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Signs of Elder Financial Abuse by a Investment Advisor

A rogue advisor when asked by a reporter about why he targeted seniors, answered: “Because that’s where the money is.”

CARP donates to Freedom Kitchen

Caroline Gallop,Co-Coordinator, Freedom Kitchen and Closet wrote: We are so delighted to have been chosen as the recipient of the

THE CARP 5 The Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) Unveils 2024 Advocacy Priorities: The CARP 5—The Canadian Association of

Being an Advocate in the Summer

Dear Members, With succcessful celebrations of Seniors Month in Ontario by CARP chapters (the timing of this observation varies across

CARP Nova Scotia Annual Summer Social

Wednesday, August 7th – 3:00pm to 6:00pm CARP NS Summer Social at the Owl’s Club, Lake Banook, Dartmouth. 34 Oakdale

To watch a replay: CLICK HERE March is National Fraud Prevention Month and CARP Nova Scotia will be presenting a