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Hike Tour of Sandy Lake

Hike Tour of Sandy Lake

The CARP NS Environment Committee extends an invitation for a hiking tour of a portion of Sandy Lake Park, led by Karen McKendry (Ecology Action Centre).

Thursday, Oct. 22, 1pm to 3pm

For our hike we’ll be walking on both formal trails (wide, flat, gravel) and informal trails (roots and rocks, uphill). This hike will be of moderate difficulty.

Good footwear is a must. That can be hiking boots or shoes, or running shoes with an outdoor tread. Open-toed sandals or flip flops are not recommended. Also, we may work up a bit of sweat on the uphill trails. Consider dressing in layers, with a cooler layer (t-shirt?) at the base, and a long-sleeved layer (or jacket) on top. Please check the weather just before the hike and dress accordingly.

Sandy Lake is a marvellous place to explore the Acadian forest. We’ll have a chance to get to know some of the trees of Nova Scotia, and we’ll surely encounter some fascinating lichen. Karen will describe the history of the park, and the current campaign to expand the park.

This hike is officially hosted by EAC, participants will be asked to sign an EAC waiver and photo release form before participating. Covid-19 procedures will be in place.

CLICK HERE for the waiver.

About Karen:

Karen spent her childhood exploring the woods and waters of Ontario and Quebec, clearly the “nature nut” of her family. Her passion for the environment, paired with a lot of hard work, has earned her a BSc. in Ecology, and Masters of Environmental Studies. Since moving to Nova Scotia in 2005, Karen has worked as a conservation planner and biologist, and volunteered with the Young Naturalists Club, a nature club for kids. Karen has training in Wilderness and Remote First AidOCC Field Leader (Hiking, and Winter), and Reconnecting with Nature workshop facilitation, and puts this training and her skills to use when she leads public hikes. When not devoting herself to the Ecology Action Centre’s good work, she can be found rooting around in her garden, paddling on the Northwest Arm, cooking up a storm, or laughing with her two wild little boys.

To register for this event contact James Boyer at or call 902.488.0581

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