C.A.R.P. NS presents Dr Arash Taghvai. An educational talk with information on how medical cannabis helps with pain and sleep issues.
The presentation by Dr Arash Taghvai is an educational talk with information on how cannabis can be used to help treat the symptoms and suffering from conditions such as pain and sleep issues. Dr Taghvai will present on this alternative medicine, it’s biological properties and makeup, some history, and consumption options including oils and capsules.
Arash Taghvai, MD, works at Apollo Cannabis Clinics in Toronto. He is the Manager of Clinical Affairs and works to support patients who are looking to improve their quality of life with medical cannabis. Apollo is a doctor’s office in Toronto that prescribes medical cannabis for patients suffering from conditions such as pain, sleep issues, and anxiety. Apollo educates all their patients, and the larger community, about this alternative medicine.
To view the recording on our C.A.R.P. NS YouTube channel: CLICK HERE