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Who is CARP?

We are CARP Nova Scotia

Welcome to CARP (Canadian Association for Retired Persons). Today CARP has more than 320,000 members advocating for improved Healthcare and Financial Security for Canadians as we age while enjoying great discounts and benefits.

How is CARP Funded?

CARP is a not-for-profit organization and does not receive government operating funding. Its advocacy mission is funded through CARP memberships fees, additional contributions from our affinity partnerships, and the generous support of our members.

Local Chapters of CARP

Many CARP members actively participate in local chapters, advocating for local change and supporting national efforts. They contribute their time and expertise to community initiatives, organizing events and collaborating with other organizations.

About CARP

CARP (Canadian Association for Retired Persons) is Canada’s largest advocacy association for older Canadians. Today CARP has more than 320,000 members. As a non-partisan association, CARP is committed to working with all parties in government to advocate for older Canadians. Its mission is to advocate for better healthcare, financial security, and freedom from ageism. CARP members engage in polls and petitions, email their elected representatives, connect with local chapters and share stories and opinions on urgent issues.

CARP membership support creates major changes in government policies and protects the dignity of Canadians as we age. Members are also rewarded with discounts on over 100 everyday products and services they know and love from CARP’s trusted partners.

About the elderly

Power in Numbers

In May 2017, Canada’s National Census revealed that for the first time ever seniors outnumber children in Canada. There are now 5.9 million seniors, compared to 5.8 million Canadians, 14 and under. Federal and provincial policy-making that affects older Canadians is more important now than it has ever been.

CARP and its Members Have Successfully Advocated For:

  • Increasing the Canada’s Pension Plan (CPP): Pensions will increase from 25% to 33% of earnings. Eligible pension earnings will increase from $54,000 to $87,000 annually.
  • Restoring Old Age Security (OAS) eiligibility to 65: In 2012, PM Harper raised the eligibility age to 67. In 2016, it was restored to 65.
  • Increasing the Canada’s Pension Plan (CPP): Pensions will increase from 25 % to 33 % of earnings. Eligible pension earnings will increase from $ 54,000 to $ 82,700 annually.
  • Restoring Old Age Security (OAS) Eligibility to 65: In 2012, PM Harper raised the eligibility age to 67. In 2016, it was restored to 65.
  • Securing $3 Billion in Homecare Funding: In 2017 the Federal Budget announced $3 billion in funding and extended commitment to $ 6 billion over 10 years.
  • An Extra $1,000 a Year for Canada’s Poorest Seniors
    Reduced Senior’s Drug Co-pays in Ontario and Nova Scotia and influencing the Government to add new drugs to provincial formularies.
About the elderly

How is CARP Funded?

CARP is a not-for-profit organization and does not receive government operating funding. Its advocacy mission is funded through CARP membership fees and through contributions from our affinity partnerships. Through its affiliation with Zoomer Media, CARP has access to multiple media platforms. Advertisers interested in reaching CARP’s audience provide a full slate of benefits to members, often covering the cost of membership.

Many CARP members are active participants in their local chapters. Our chapters are active advocates who work for local change while supporting national efforts too. Many CARP chapters also sponsor events of interest to those who are 45+ in their communities.

You can join CARP and your local chapter at the same time by clicking the “Join Now” button below.

About the elderly